A Blog 30-Years in the Making

I am guessing that you are wondering how this blog came to be or more curiously how I came up with the name Mania Mom. The concept of Mania Mom is based on a prank that I did to my Cousin nearly 30 years ago – back in the Stone Ages as my kids would say.

My Cousin had a newborn baby and a busy toddler, so she was in that season. We all know what season I am talking about! The no sleep, no shower, endless piles of dirty laundry or clean because you haven’t had the energy nor the time to put away let alone fold, sink full of dishes, smelling of spit up or nasty other things and wishing you could turn Barney off the television because you DID NOT love him* but you can’t because the toddler will scream and wake up the baby season.

Well, my young, childless, and naive self thought it would be funny to play a little practical joke on her with the hope of making her laugh.  I created an advertisement for a mother’s retreat, that was to be hosted by Joan Lunden (that ages me and if you do not know who that is click her name) and it advertised all the things a depraved mother could dream of. Tranquility in nature, warm spas, massages, fresh-hot coffee, chef made meals, no telephones, TV’s or radios, just peaceful relaxation was promised.

I mailed this little flyer complete with an enrollment form to my unsuspecting Cousin and waited. For three grueling weeks I waited! What in the world was taking her so long to respond? I mean geez she cannot possibly be that busy. After weeks of torture (I have little to no patience) I finally asked her if she had gotten anything interesting in the mail and of course she had! She received the retreat flyer and had actually discussed it with her husband.  She had not gotten around to filling out the form and mailing it back because she was in that season.

To make a long story short, I told her it was a prank.  She pretty much figured it was but decided to go along with it because she is cool like that.  Between you and I though I still think she bought into it or at least wanted it so badly she told herself it was for real! So, my Cousin and I had a hearty laugh and as a matter of fact, we still have a good laugh every now and again about it especially whenever I have been in that season, and she has kept that flyer as a memento for all these years.

The life of a mother is magical and maniacal. There are so many facets to raising a family and I hope this blog helps you through them and helps you to celebrate them.


*according to Wikipedia “Barney’s song “I Love You” was among those used by interrogators at Guantanamo Bay detention camp to coerce detainees.[26] The similar use of “I Love You” to inflict psychological stress on Iraqi prisoners-of-war was examined by Jon Ronson in his 2004 book The Men Who Stare At Goats.”

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