The Cambridge Dictionary definition of mania is “a very strong interest in something that fills a person’s mind or uses up all their time”, what better way to describe a mother! Hi, I am Chyanne, but most people do not call me that, they call me Chy – including my clients. If someone says my full name, I feel like I am being sent to the principal’s office – not that I know what that is like 😉

I have been married to a very patient man-child[1] for 26 years though he would say that the time served is 30 years! We have three wonderful, obedient, and loving children[2], two boys ages 25 and 18 and a princess who is 12 going on 20 or so she thinks.

We also provide food, housing, and our beds to a dog, a tortoise, a bearded dragon and two cats. Believe me this is the least number of pets we have had in a long time. Friends joke that they come to our house for a field trip instead of the city zoo.

I have homeschooled our two youngest children for the last six years, having just graduated my younger son. I absolutely love teaching my children and being home with them as much as possible. My background is in accounting and before we decided to homeschool, I was the quintessential workaholic. To say that I have done a 180 is an understatement. I never in a million years would have ever thought I would be a work from home parent let alone homeschooler. It is hard to work and homeschool, I am not going to lie but I would not change it for the world.

I grew up with my sister and three cousins – all girls and we are extremely close. Upon marriage I was blessed with two more sisters. I have known my best friend since 10th grade. We have had quite the ride together and have a pact to always remain friends because we know too much about each other to be enemies. 

I have an A-Type personality[3] and I strive to do everything at a 100%, for better or for worse and motherhood is no exception. Do not worry though, I fully acknowledge that a perfect mother does not exist anywhere let alone myself and that is why I write this blog so that I can laugh, cry and scream (all at the same time) about the things that prohibit me from being the perfect mother.

Mania Mom embraces motherhood with all its ups and downs and merry go rounds. Here I write blatantly about all things Mom, the good and the beautiful, the bad and the ugly and the WTF[4] I hope nobody saw that! So warm up yesterday’s half drank coffee, find a closet to hide in and join me. We are all just navigating the wheel of parenting chaos so you just might find something you can relate too or at the very least laugh at. Oh, and if you want to know how this blog came about click here.

[1] A full-grown man who reverts to childlike tendencies every now and then but whom I deeply appreciate because he has the imagination to really play with our children.

[2] I am probably exaggerating but I am their mother and choose to look at them through rose-colored glasses.

[3] I am also extremely goofy and corny and love jokes.

[4] What the fudge – keeping it G rated